PTC means Paid To Click and PTR means Paid To Read. With these sites, you'll be paid for clicking a link and visiting websites, these links will be sent to you by e-mail or you'll find them on the website. You'll need to visit the site for a specific length of time and you'll earn cash or points (which most sites convert to cash). Generally you'll need to leave the site open for 5 to 30 seconds.
PTC/PTR are the easiest way to make money online, most of them have low payout and all use PayPal or Alert-pay. It's important to be careful with these sites as there are a lot of them that don’t pay. One thing you can be sure of is that all sites I list on here have already paid me. These sites pay in US dollars but it's easy to exchange to your currency, in PayPal or Alert-pay.
Sites allow one account per individual. There can be more per household, but they must have a separate ISP.
You can get a free accounts at AlertPay and Paypal to get paid.